
Thursday, October 6, 2011

One of the Hardest Month's Ever

This past month has been tumultuous. A college friend of mine was found about two weeks ago, shot to death at an intersection in his town. Yes, that is a true statement. It was horrible seeing the glaring words on my computer screen announcing his murder, "Young Man Found Dead In Car." Nothing prepares you for that kind of news. I broke down at work, sobbing behind closed doors. Two days later I quit. I had to, I just couldn't be there any more. I needed a mental vacation, I need to pursue something meaningful. Who knows when life will end? My friend was on his way home during his lunch break while working at a local care giving place. He never reached his wife that night... how can anyone wrap their head around such tragedy? I still can't imagine that he is actually gone.

Yesterday I also found out that my family friend and neighbor passed away on Tuesday. He has been struggling to fight against cancer. As a retired teacher, he spent some of his free time writing books and taking care of us kids when I was growing up. He and his wife always celebrated the holidays with us and teased us about our little crushes and relationships. They were and are our extended family. I saw them early this past summer, introducing them to my best friend and his little boy. I can't handle this so well. Please no one else go...

But thankfully new life is beginning too. Today my beloved friends, Loren and Charity, welcomed a little girl into this big old world of ours. I'm not one to say newborns are cute normally, but wow. This baby is truly beautiful. I smiled at the newly posted pictures of mom and child. Memories of people passing mingle with the sights of people arriving. Oh tears, are you from sadness or joy? I can't tell.