
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Revisiting Streams of Faith

One of the topics I remember from my early college days was about "Streams of Faith." Coming from a Private Liberal Arts college, this topic was particularly one-sided. The majority of my fellow students came from Christian Missionary Alliance churches (a denomination I had never heard of till college), some where Baptists, Lutherans, Calvinists, and who-knows-what-else. Everyone who identified themselves as a Christian also identified themselves as Protestant. A very small number of students identified themselves as Catholics. Now I came from a Calvary Chapel background (not really a denomination, more like a brand). I found that Protestants viewed Catholicism as being Non-Christian. Catholics were viewed as worshiping Mary and the Saints (both are not true), and actually believing the bread and wine of communion really became the blood and body of Christ (the radicals). I really want to talk about some very theologically important issues here. I'm sure that if anyone comes from one or more of these backgrounds that I'll garnish some criticism, but I'm willing to take that risk.

Monday, August 15, 2011

All Around Me

Are people pursuing their goals, ambitions, and dreams for their lives. My dear friend Caylin has this brilliant idea to make a clothing line for women, especially younger women, of modern, beautiful and yet modest dresses. She has all the resources to get going and loads of connections. Right now is all about building up her design and sewing skills and getting the details together. It was inspiring to hear about her dream for her company and see the passion she has about it. I could also pick up on the fact her obstacles seem like mountains in front of her. Those problems seemed like fairly easy fixes to me: take a sewing/clothing design course or two, practice making samples, and create a budget to save money. (Can you believe those are her only obstacles?)