
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Interview Recap, The Blackout, and Coffee

Tonight I've discovered several things.
  1. I should never drink coffee again.
  2. I am the only person in my family to own ANY candles.
  3. I own 2 candles- both of which were gifts.
  4. If my family experienced a power outage for a long period of time we are completely and utterly unprepared.
  5. I couldn't have found two jobs that work so seamlessly together on my own, like the two jobs I applied for.
  6. God answers prayers (a reoccurring discovery).

Monday, February 6, 2012

All At Once!

This morning was bright and clear when my former co-worker and lovely friend texted me, "Would you be interested in a job?" YES! Turns out my friend's mom is an HR rep for several private businesses, one of which is an adult care home. My friend noticing her mom's distress at finding the right person suggested me! So come tomorrow at 5pm I have an interview! But the day just gets better!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Remember in high school English classes when there was that one teacher that made you analyze various poems? I was never a big fan of poetry, and Shakespeare? While there is a beauty to the way the words look upon the page and how they sound, I'm still not picking up poetry for my reading materials. In college one of my professors gave a couple of different options for a particular project: give a lesson for a whole class period upon a designated book, create multimedia presentation influenced by a specific writer or write a poem inspired by a poet and write a brief paper on the connection. Being overwhelmed with numerous other projects, work, and all I thought, "hey a poem should be easy!" My professor, unbeknown to me, was a rather famous poet... yeah my poem didn't do well.