
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Interview Recap, The Blackout, and Coffee

Tonight I've discovered several things.
  1. I should never drink coffee again.
  2. I am the only person in my family to own ANY candles.
  3. I own 2 candles- both of which were gifts.
  4. If my family experienced a power outage for a long period of time we are completely and utterly unprepared.
  5. I couldn't have found two jobs that work so seamlessly together on my own, like the two jobs I applied for.
  6. God answers prayers (a reoccurring discovery).
Yesterday was my interview for the adult-care home. I don't know about most people, but I really enjoy interviews. There are the normal general questions that are asked like, "Why do you want this position?" And then there are those unique questions, they're the best. I mean, you never know what exactly they'll ask and I wonder "why did you ask that question?" Not in a mean way, but more in a psychological pondering. Plus I always feel more outgoing in an interview than I normally do. I like meeting new people! At the end of the meeting I felt assured that they liked me and confident that I had the position in the bag.

It wasn't until that night did I begin to worry. What if I can't handle the job? What if it's the wrong move? What about the weekends I HAVE to have off? Is it worth it? Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions that this job is do-able? How am I going to get there? Do I really want to bike 8 miles each way? What about going to church (my shift ends at 10am on Sundays and I probably won't be able to leave until 10:30am or later because of making sure everything is fully communicated to the person coming in after me)? If I take this job, will I have time for a social life? 

And yes, those things still do linger. But I am confident that most of the answers to those questions will work themselves out. New jobs are always a little intimidating at first. If it's the wrong move I can quit. I can talk to them about the two weekends I HAVE to have off and try to solve the problem. I can bike the 8-miles and I won't have to do it for more than two or three weeks tops. As for church I may have to look to going to a church closer to the facility for a little while. And my social life will change- but the friends I need to keep, we'll find time to get together. I also talked it over with God and asked Him to lead me, I trust that if this isn't what He wants somehow He'll let me know.

Today I had the interview for the nanny position. I was surprised to discover the family lives literally just down the street for me, a mere 10 minute bike ride! The kids are incredibly sweet (at least during the time I was there). The older boy is just over a year and a half and the younger is only two weeks old. The couple seems like people I could be friends with and all in all, I hope to be hired on!

This is pretty long already, but I could go on. God is doing things I definitely didn't see coming. I can't praise Him enough, a lifetime of thanksgiving wouldn't suffice for the kindness He has been and is showing me.

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