
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Swallowing My Pride

Ever come across someone you regularly have to see and be around that just annoys you? They don't really do anything wrong, they just have personality quirks or something that is just annoying? I do. There a particular person who is in fact a WONDERFUL person. This individual is very loving, caring, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and talkative. I have a very difficult time loving this person. I find that this fellow human being (I'm trying to refrain from giving information that would pin-point this individual out), is too enthusiastic about their knowledge and would talk far longer than I am conditioned to listening to.

Thing is this person's knowledge, enthusiasm, and what they have to say is valuable, needed and is meant to be shared. I am just too selfish, prideful, and shallow. I'm finding more and more that the problems we have with other people are MORE OFTEN indicators of problems within ourselves. I have a hard time being around this particular individual because it takes more effort (to be patient and gracious) than I have been willing to give (selfishness). Yes, this person needs to learn boundaries and the difference between having a conversation and giving a monologue. But those are nothing compared to what I need to learn and do.

Not to be all Bible-thumping, but Jesus befriended society's outcasts, those shunned by the religious of His time, He reached out to those others found annoying, burdensome, and needy. Those who call ourselves "Christians" oftentimes forget that Jesus saved us, that we are just as annoying, burdensome, needy and helpless as those Jesus saved while He walked the earth. How many times have we as Christians have been labeled "hypocrites?" Everyone recognizes that we are supposed to be living out the message that we preach and that we rarely love others are we ought. I am at fault.

I am the problem. No pointing fingers at anyone else. I've been a hypocrite. I say we should love another and yet I've been snappy and even hurtful to this particular individual.

Philippians 2:3-5
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. (My own emphasis added.)

It's time to swallow my pride.

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