
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Discovery!

(Hello! It's me!)
 Coming home from work one of the first things I want to do is get out of those clothes! As soon as my work clothes come off I feel just so much better. I wash my feet, brush my hair and slip into my favorite hoodie and shorts. Pretty simple right? I open my bedroom window open and allow the summer night's breeze to come in and freshen things up. The sky is the most beautiful color of blue and stars are popping out. Another day has passed and while it was good, I realized something profound.

And it is a little weird to write it, and to see it. But standing in front of the bathroom mirror, taking my hair down from work I realized it. I am beautiful. Not pretty or cute, no I am beautiful. My brown-blond hair is soft and shiny, and tousled in just the right way. My green eyes are my favorite feature, and my lashes are naturally long- just a sweep of black mascara make them stand out. I like my smile and my reddish-pink lips. My skin is pretty clear and have a hint of sun in them. I'm not thin, but I love my curves! I may not be elegant but I am lovely.

I'm not bragging, I just finally realized the truth. God made me beautiful. I'm stocky and strong, lovely and feminine, I have the body of a woman not a girl. My tummy isn't lean, but I like it! God did a good job making me. It has taken far too long for me to come to know this truth though!

Over this past year He has been speaking this truth to me over and over and I just now really finally got it. I am not the prettiest nor the most beautiful thing, but you know what I like that. It keeps my ego in check! God, thank you for making me the way that you have and for putting the people you have in my life to help me know this!

By many people's standards I am flawed. I wear size 18 dress, size 12-16 pants, and x-large shirts. I'm short too- at 5 ft 1 in. But man, I am beautiful! My body is strong, built for hard work, endurance and life. It's capable of running for miles, dancing around like a crazy person, comforting others, and partaking in difficult tasks.

I hope everyone and especially women, come to realize how unique and special their individual bodies are, how God calls each one good and beautiful. I wish everyone would treasure those things that are considered "flaws" and recognize the beauty in each other!!

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