
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I Want My LIfe To Be

I won't tell you what I want my life to be without telling what has been happening. Things have changed since last week. I could say that everything has been amazing, easy and things are just "falling together." But in reality things have been challenging, but infinitely better! I didn't get my car, it won't be ready for another two weeks. Work has been hectic most of the time. Today's shift was great though!

Jesus is with me and I just know it. He's giving me this peace about where I am. This last week I spent a good number of hours job searching, updating my resume and cover letters. There were a few positions that I would really like to have, but in the midst of it all I realized that even if I don't get any of those jobs I'm gonna be ok. Wait, not ok- I'm going to be better. What I'm trying to say that my God has me where He wants me for now. I'm going to continue to job search and apply, yet the pressure, the stress is gone (for now).

There is a peace because I know I'm where He wants me to. When the time comes things will change. One of my friends said this upon hearing about my escape to Cali about a year ago:
"You were supposed to learn to be patient but you ran away.
You just put the lesson off and now, you're be confronted with learning
to be patient again. Don't run away this time."

He's right, that's where I am: learning to be patient. I'm learning that being patient means trusting Him completely. Being patient means leaving doors open for change but not hinging my happiness on those opportunities happening or not. Being patient means getting closer to Him and I have to say that is the best part! I'm realizing that I really am where God wants me to be. And that makes all the difference for me. There is this joy, this incredible awe, and love that is bubbling up in me! Just to think about it- God has me where He wants me? That is AMAZING.

I know what I want my life to be, a love letter to Him.

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