
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Years Ago...

I was teaching swim lessons and coaching. I was working at a local sports club/gym and spent at least half of my day in the water. I was working with some of my best friends and was the summer camp director for the club and later was put in charge of the aquatics department during the last month of the gym's existence. Two years ago I was biking an average of 10+ miles to and from work and had thighs of steel (no joke, those hills were killer). I was fresh out of college and back in my hometown, the last place I wanted to be. I started wearing a two-piece bathing suit, which was a huge deal for me and I looked good!

Thing is two years ago, I was a completely different person.
In January of 2010 I moved to Cali, moved in with my friend's family and attempted to learn about the photography business in the middle of nowhere*. I basically ran away from my problems as much as I could. I hated living at home. Putting myself through college I had learned to be self-sufficient and living at home I felt dependent and burdensome. Why couldn't I find an amazing career or even a job to start at? It was frustrating to say the least. I ran away from working at a horrible retail position selling shoes. That was the first job I have ever quit. I swore I would never work retail again. (Ironic right? Look how that turned out!) I was desperate to live my own life the way  thought it should be.

Did the move go well? No, it didn't. See, I knew that moving wasn't a good idea. Even talking about going to Cali, while it was fun, provoked that sense in me that said, "This is not what you should be doing. Just wait, things will work out. JUST WAIT." But I didn't care. I hated where I was and hated how nothing seemed to be working out.

A year ago I made probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was between two options, staying in Cali living or moving back home with my dad and brothers. The 10+ hour car drive was the best car ride I have ever experienced! I blasted my music and sang and danced (yes, you can dance around while driving) the whole way home. I knew in my heart that I was doing what was best and right for me.

Fast forward to today. I'm working in a dead-end job, but I'm not stuck. Things are happening and I trust God to lead me, He always has. Funny thing is, I know He IS leading me. I'm still living with my Dad and brothers. Sure it can be a bit trying, but it's GOOD. My friendships have grown and expanded. I like who I am and who I am becoming. I don't run from my problems anymore. I'm paying off my school loans and that feels amazing!

While my dreams and aspirations are different, there is more depth to them. It's not about doing something "epic" or "impressive" it's about doing meaningful things, things that will actually benefit others not just myself. Over these last two years I've learned more about myself. I've learned a little more about love and people. And I'm a little closer in my relationship with God. Things are going to work out, it's going to be challenging. Yet isn't it true that anything worth having is worth the effort, dedication and perseverance required. I simply can't write everything that God has done in my life over the last two years. It rather makes me want to cry with a thankful heart because I can look back and see how God has been leading me through it all. He is so very good to us!

So here's to what is to come! Here's to God taking us to places we've never thought we would see, to achieving dreams, and pushing boundaries. Here's to trusting Him to lead and care for us. Here's to the people we'll meet and the new experiences yet to come. Here's to tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow. Here's to The One who is with us.

*Yes, Cali does have locations that are in the middle of nowhere, it's not all Southern California beaches and cities you know. I had never heard of the town I moved to till I got there. I don't recommend moving to a place you've never been to before.

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