
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Most Lovingest Day So Far

Quick update! This last Sunday was amazing. No joke it was spectacular!  My dear, friend who has been like a big sister for me, moved to South Korea about a year ago. She has been teaching English to elementary school students there and guess what? She came home!! I was at church and the first service people were leaving and the second service people were arriving. And there in the midst of the crowd I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw her! I had moved to Cali about four months prior to her move and so it's been quite a long time since we've seen each other. We were laughing and nearly crying with joy and hugging each other! One of the best surprises ever. But that is just the beginning!

Right after seeing her, two of my other friends (both whom I haven't seen due to all of our conflicting work schedules) I met up with finally! I couldn't believe it, this day just kept getting better and better. Both of these lovely women are pregnant! I finally see what other people mean when they talk about the "pregnancy glow." They were radiant! Truly beautiful. After hanging out for a bit I headed into a fantastic day at work which was a refreshing change. And coming home I find out that my neighbors are selling their little white Honda Accord. (Due to issues with my last car I haven't had a vehicle in about four months). I couldn't believe it because it was 1. very reasonable, 2. from trustworthy people, and 3. in good condition! I've been scrapping together everything to try and save up for a new vehicle as I really can't take on another loan. But it's difficult when I work where I do for the amount I get paid... not fun. Turns about that very morning my best friend had been praying that God would basically give me a car. And on Friday I'm getting a car! YAY!!! I'm pretty excited if you can't tell. :)

And the day still was even better. Coming home from work was the most glorious sunset I have ever seen in my entire life. The clouds were lit up and oh the colors! You could see for miles and miles and miles. The whole day was like one big love letter. I still am amazed by God from Sunday. Absolutely breath taking and awe inspiring. He takes care of me, even still. Everything that happened today was just what I needed. Everywhere I turned He was right there proclaiming His love for me. Oh I wish I could explain this well.

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