
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Insights From Swimming...

There is this one passage in the Bible where it states, "Because you are neither hot nor cold, but are lukewarm I will spew you from my mouth." This is talking about more than a temperature- this is about people's faith. See the church that this passage was directed to was located in between two particular cities. These two cities were well known for very specific reasons- one was known for it's natural hot springs that brought healing to the people who swam in them. The other city was known for it's fresh, clear and VERY cold water- the kind of water that invigorated people and made them alive. I've heard many pastors give sermons on this passage comparing the hot and cold to passionate faith and having no faith- basically you don't want to get spewed out because you're sitting on the fence kind of thing. I've heard people explain it in many ways, but it wasn't until my best friend and I went swimming in the Columbia River here in Washington.

See the Columbia River is a very cold river. Why did everyone compare the passage's mention of cold to something negative? I don't know. However I do know the cleansing feeling of swimming in cold water, it feels alive and make you feel alive too. The cold clear water seems to move right through you, it's powerful and wonderful. Cold water on a hot day brings relief and satisfaction. The city known for its cold, fresh water was just as much as a destination spot as the city known for its natural hot springs.

The city with the hot springs was believed to have healing affects on those who bathed in its waters. People would travel for miles and miles just to dip in those springs. Think of it like any other place with natural hot springs, they become a vacation destination spot. Spas take advantage of such places because hot water does aid the body. A hot faith bring healing, restoration. Think of being in a hot tub- afterward you are relaxed, at peace and are calm.

However it was interesting to read up about the city that was in between the other two. The town that the passage was directed to wasn't really a big deal. They didn't have the cold waters that refreshed people, nor did they have the hot springs that brought healing. Apparently, their town was at a place where the cold springs and the hot springs waters met, creating a mixing of temperatures. Yet, the water tasted horrible and if my research is correct, that the water in some cases also caused sickness- particularly vomiting. Ironic eh?

A lukewarm faith isn't about sitting on the fence, it isn't about "only-kind-of-believing." It's about the fact that a lukewarm faith is pretty useless and causes more pain than good. A "cold water" faith brings refreshment, cleansing, and it invigorates. A "hot water" faith brings healing, restoration, and peace. No wonder the letter stated "and because you are neither hot nor cold I will spew you from my mouth," they were like their water, making people sick.

I'm sick of my lukewarm faith! Time to change temperatures!

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