
Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Turn of Events

I had an interview earlier this week with a company that is fairly well known here in the U.S.A. My initial reaction was, "how awesome!!!" I've been looking to leave my current position and move forward in beginning my own career. However, the woman who told me about the position and later interviewed me (while being incredibly sweet) forgot one key thing to request or even later seek out- my resume. This was the first red flag.

The day of the interview things went well. My best friend, his son, and I brought home my new truck, (no, it's not really new, it's an 1980 Chevy) that morning and found the way to the interview. The woman (who shall remain nameless) greeted me and we chatted for a little. Finally she broke out the interview questions. I felt confident about my answers. She thought I was something amazing. Things were great. Then she began to explain how the pay worked and what I would be doing- but there were several details that were "left out." I had to ask, (major red flag), how their company made money! She basically said they got a percentage of the people's investments. But even so she was still fairly vague about it, saying I'd be trained in all of that later.

Basically the whole thing was a pyramid scheme. I thought those were rare nowadays, sadly I was wrong. In order for her to move up she had to recruit five people to join her- which is why I was there. She was trying to recruit me and in turn, have me recruit others too. Talk about disappointment. Sure their motto is great, their mission is worthwhile and needed- however the rest of it... I can't abuse trust like that, I can't use people like that. I want to take part in an honest day's work, doing something true, good, and helpful. The woman is going to call me on Tuesday or so, and I don't know how to tell her the whole thing sounds like a pyramid scheme and maybe she should reconsider what she's doing.

I also have a mini-date on Monday. Nothing big or anything. Should be fun. Plus I have my truck, I've dubbed it The Little Brown Beast, as it is beastly and brown and reminds me of Bigfoot. Yes, I enjoy it very much! And fairly soon I'm going to be helping lead a class on the Theology of the Body, how cool is that?!

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