
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Almost There

Great news! It looks like I'll be driving my truck, now dubbed The Sasquatch, on Monday! It is unbelievable how much I've learned through the process of replacing The Sasquatch engine, clutch and completing the numerous other repairs.

Through the weeks and hours I've discovered:

-The Sasquatch has a center seat lap belt!
-where the brights are located and the fact that they work (they are controlled by a foot-button on the floor, odd right?)
-how to fix my emergency break (talk about an old truck)
-behind the seat is at least two dollars worth of change
-removing the old floor covering has also removed the cab's moisture retention
-I'm intimidated by large noisy power tools that are described as able to "break your arm"
and lastly,
-saying it will be done in a week, is in fact, a joke.

This experience has been one of the never-gonna-be-the-same-person-again kind of experiences.

And while no one may read this anytime soon, I have to be completely frank, I want to illustrate children's books, work helping people, and hopefully one day be a wife and mother. But right now, I'm barely making it through the month.

People don't seem to realize the interior struggle that many go through being unemployed. The careers I want to get into require money for training, school, and as for the children's book illustration require money for materials, building a portfolio and hiring an agent. I can't even make my student loan payments at the moment, much less think about returning to school. I don't know what to do. I don't qualify for unemployment as I've worked out of state within the last five years, and well my CNA license may take at least another 2 weeks to process and up to a couple more months. I want to get started, you know? I want to have some independence and I want to breathe easy again. Hopefully I'm almost there. One step at a time, beginning with having a working vehicle again right?

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