
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peace, Be Still

"Be still, and know that I am God..."
- Psalm 46:10.

Today has been full- running around with my best friend and his boy! We explored the new library in our city and you will not believe how excited we ALL were about the Legos that were there! They had built a play place in the library! How cool is that? It wasn't until I was searching his truck for my cell phone, it had dropped out of my purse, that things weren't so wonderful. See, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, a day when we attend church to begin preparing for Easter and start Lent. Once I found my phone I gave my friend Allison a call. She is the one with the car I've been hoping for!

She answered with a slightly distraught voice and began explaining to me that her husband, who is currently in Hawaii, was fired from work today. Now she has four kids to take care of, all whom are under the age of 6 (the youngest is a year old). She has been trying to take care of her children and the house all while her husband is away, in addition to trying to sell as much as possible and pack/ship the rest! She has been under so much stress and I can't imagine how overwhelmed she is. And I can't imagine how disappointed and frustrated she much be.

Thing is the nanny job I'm going to be starting here in just two weeks is because she is moving and she had been their daycare provider. Not including I won't be buying her car either. All-in-all I am VERY DISAPPOINTED FOR HER, but it also sucks for me too.

Yet, since my best friend was right there while I was talking to Allison, he heard the whole thing. He could see my reaction written across my face and was at my side to encourage me.

This evening the song by Rush of Fools, "Peace, Be Still" has been going through my head since that event. And tonight I happened to read Psalm 131 and verse 2-3 struck me:

"Truly calm and quiet I have made my spirit:
quiet as a weaned child in its mothers arms-
like an infant is my soul.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord-
now and always."

Both the verse from the beginning of this post, Psalm 46:10 and Psalm 131 have this in common: trust. The author in Psalm 46 uses a word that we translate as "be still," but it's more than not moving. The original word is typically used to describe how a child is still/at rest when it's in its parent's care (sounds like 131 right?) It's like when a baby or young kid falls asleep on someone they trust completely. Their limbs go slack and they aren't worried about if that person will drop them or do anything harmful or forget them either. It's a sign of complete trust. That complete trust is what the author of Psalm 131 is writing about too. 

I know that somehow things will pull together for Allison and her family. I also know that somehow God is going to take care of me. So I'm going to head to bed, knowing that He won't drop or forget me.

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