
Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am one of those girls who upon having a special date or night out with friends will take hours (as in two) to prep for the event. I'll tear apart my closet looking for the perfect outfit and coordinating shoes. And then there's doing my make up and hair, and picking out the right jewelry to look put together, but not like I'm trying too hard. This time I know I need to prepare myself for something much better.
This is my year of preparation. While I'm not exactly sure what I'm preparing for, I do have a fairly good idea of what it is I need to do. Most of what I need to do boils down to focusing on Him, developing myself spiritual and physical, and tuning my whole self to His will. There will be much to get rid of and much to cultivate.

Making lasting change is a slow process. We spend our whole lives unknowingly making good and bad habits through repetitious choices. This year is dedicated to Him. Allowing Him to point out the bad habits and slowly change them, and to challenge me to make good habits that will last the rest of my life.

Next Sunday (February 5th) is exactly 8 weeks from Easter (April 8th)
Week 1: Invitation to vocation
Week 2: God's love
Week 3: Reflecting on my own gifts and talents
Week 4: Reflecting on my weaknesses, failures and rejections
Week 5: Paying attention to my emotions- consolation
Week 6: Paying attention to my emotions- desolation
Week 7: Simplicity
Week 8: Examination of consciousness

I'll also be using a beginner's jogging to 5k program from  and in addition to changing my eating habits. I'll be using this blog as a way of recording my reflections, thoughts, discoveries, and changes I experience.

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