
Monday, January 30, 2012

Driving Home

Fresh air pouring through the driver's side window open, the sun just hanging above the horizon glowing gold, and clouds building up before me- this was my drive home. I would love to say that it was hitch free, but there were a few hick-ups along the way. However, I made it home. It's almost unbelievable, it is done. I just to pause here and not think about what has to come next or what else needs to be done. I want to relish the fact that this HUGE, complicated and difficult project is finished. Let me explain:

I love starting projects whether it's scrap booking, learning the guitar, brainstorming story ideas, or coming up with a killer workout schedule. I have problems finishing any of my projects. My scrap book ends with my sophomore year, I learned how to pick some songs on the guitar but never went further, and all the brainstormed stories I've come up with just remained as stories on the horizon, never meeting the page. And that killer workout schedule lasted for a couple of months and then died.

Don't get me wrong, I have finished many things. I finished college (with good grades), numerous paintings, regularly tackling organizational problems, and every assignment (be it academic or job related). I was at every practice and match for my teams and almost never missed a day of work. The drive I have for excellence has been slipping because there hasn't been any accountability. It doesn't matter if I workout or not to anyone else. It doesn't mean anything if I don't learn how to play the guitar or finish that scrapbook.

We are meant to work with others, we are meant to live with more than just ourselves. It makes a difference in how we perform at work, how we sleep at night. Being with others with similar goals makes working out enjoyable and easier to do regularly. Dreaming with other people can change the dream into reality because we feel supported and encouraged to believe it IS possible.

Yes, there is a strength from completing things along that is honorable and worthy. However, even if I know someone is expecting me to finish something the outcome is weighing more on the "gonna get it done" than otherwise. If I know a have a friend waiting for me at the trail's head for a morning run, I'm going to be there even if we don't actually run along side of each other.

We need community, we need communion with one another. We are made for relationships and the mutual accountability, support, and yes, even the challenges we present for each other.

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