
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Theology of the Body Part I

I just started listening to a series called "Into the Heart" by Christopher West. It's all about the Theology of the Body, understanding why we are made as we are and what that reveals. And it makes sense. We are made to give of ourselves, to be unified and those things are there because we are made in the image and likeness of God. Yes, I'm a Christian (big surprise right?). The idea of being made with purpose and design is nothing new to me, in fact it's something that I have always "got." But now it has a deeper perspective. There are certain things that we have built right into us that are like thumbprints of God.

Can you think of anyone who lives a COMPLETELY solitary life? Even monks and nuns live in some kind of community. And that's just it, we're made for community, for relationships, for unity. Why? Because from the very beginning that's what God set forth. Look at the book of Genesis- God made a suitable helper for Adam, Eve, and blessed them. Jesus echos this why he prayed that his followers would be unified as he and the Father were one.

And while this may mean absolutely nothing to you, it does to me. I'm starting to understand myself a little more and why we desire deep friendships, love, sex, family, and community. I'm learning something about the beauty and dignity of all people and that we are made for so much  more than we've been settling for. It's a humbling experience and it's only been two days in. I can see how I've missed things and bought into the idea that while sex is good, it's just biology. Sex isn't just biology, there is a reason to why it's supposed to be only between a husband and wife. It is spiritual too. It's the act of completely giving of one's self as a gift to another and receiving that person as a gift- something that unifies them and reaffirms their commitments to each other.

There is much to say about these things and please know there is much to learn on this end too. I'm going to dig deeper into all of this as I continue. I can see how this can impact so much more than just relationships, sex, love, marriage and all that.

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