
Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Love Project Taking It To Work: Unbelievable

Night was probably the best night I've had at work to date! Having this new attitude and mindset is at least changing me. Like I mentioned in the previous post, there are two people in particular that I normally don't enjoy being around. They're not bad people, just very different than me and it's just a challenge to work with them. Tonight I was working alongside one of the two nearly the whole time. Did I mention that tonight was one of the best nights at work yet?

Things started out a little rough, I don't particularly like being bossed around. In that moment I was faced with a choice- to allow myself to be bothered by what was said or to somehow communicate that I care about her. This may seem like a joke, but that was the literal choice in front of me. So I asked her questions about her week, how her knees were doing (she is going in for knee surgery soon) and about her husband. She opened up and even joked around with me. She talked about her fears concerning the knee reconstruction surgery she'll be facing and what will go on. She'll be unable to work for a couple of months in the middle of summer and to make things more difficult it will be when her husband is traveling for business. I offered to come by and visit her, to push her wheelchair on a walk sometime and told her that if she needed any help to call me. She was surprised, she laughed and when I told her I was serious. She said, "I know you are! But be careful I might just call you!" I told her that was the point. Then she said something I was surprised by, she said, "Claire you have a big heart. That's something I've always noticed about you." I couldn't believe it. I could tell she was sincere and meant it, but still it was something that I never expected would come from her.

By the time my co-worker joined us I was surprised by how much this person had opened up and reciprocated kindness to me. The rest of the night we spent working together, teasing one another (my co-worker does this regularly but I didn't think she would ever had joined in!), and laughing. It was fun, honestly. I know that this new attitude, this new perspective and this new mindset of when people leave me they, will leave knowing they are loved, has already made some pretty huge differences both in me and with my relationships.

It's making a difference with:
  • my co-workers- tonight I spoke up about some of the things they did well. You could see it soak in.
  • my best friend- see The Love Project Already Making A Difference
  • my young brothers Aaron and Jon- they are more open to talking with me, but just barely 
  • my dad- he's sick, but he seems to notice I care about him at least
My plan: 
At work- look to genuinely affirm at least two people; if I'm working with one of the two people whom is a challenge look to recognize their contributions, and ask them about their week.
At home- every morning when I see my dad give him a hug (we don't hug in this family much at all, just me with my friends), and say "I love you" and hug at least once to each person a week. (Figure out their love languages!!!)
With friends- depends on the person: mostly find ways to compliment them... serve when I can and discover their love languages. Also extend loving touches to them too. Maybe I can find a way to give something?

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